about emma christina

Emma Christina Style Consultancy curates bespoke personal style and image consulting services that help women rediscover their captivating beauty.

“Every woman possesses a captivating beauty. Every woman. But for most of us, it has been long buried, wounded, and captive. It takes time for it to emerge into wholeness. It needs to be cultivated, restored, set free.”

Captivating, by John and Staci Eldredge

style for every season

There are many misconceptions about hiring a personal stylist. Some believe it is for the young, rich, and famous. But style is for every season and every kind of woman.

Style is for the mommies caring for their families, the grandmothers spoiling their grandchildren, the students laying the foundation for their careers, the brides-to-be planning their weddings, the professionals finding themselves on the corporate ladder and the professionals leaving the corporate ladder in pursuit of new opportunities.

I don’t know exactly the season you find yourself in, but maybe somewhere along the journey you’ve forgotten how beautiful you are. Maybe your body, lifestyle or interests have changed. Maybe your confidence is not what it used to be. Maybe you’re doing great and finally have the chance to create a wardrobe that is thoughtful, intentional, and unique to you.

no matter your season, I would love to take your hand and walk with you on this journey of rediscovering your captivating beauty.

colour, style & shape analysis

Explore your identity and rediscover your confidence by taking a closer look at your style, body shape and the colours that make you come alive.

winning wardrobe session

Take a fresh look at your wardrobe to determine what is working well,
what is not working at all, and what needs to be added.

personal shopping

Send or accompany me to the shops as your personal shopper for wardrobe essentials, special occasion outfits or complete wardrobe makeovers.

my name is christi leonard

I am a Linden based Image and Style Consultant qualified through The South African Image Academy (SAIA).

But my friends will tell you I’m a cappuccino and croissant addict, accounting queen and flat lay aficionado obsessed with all things beautiful and stylish.

I believe every day is an opportunity to dress up and few things bring me as much satisfaction as putting together an outfit that just works.

If you want to embrace your body type and have fun when making wardrobe decisions – you and I are going to be the best of friends.

why hire a personal stylist?

Some believe a personal stylist will make you get rid of all the clothes you’ve worked so hard for. Others believe that spending money on style advice is careless and vain – especially in these tough economic times. However, as a Chartered Accountant I’ve learned that when you embrace your unique body type, dress for your body type, and make more informed decisions, you can look good, feel good and be the best steward of your finances. Emma Christina Style Consultancy services are carefully crafted to take place independently from each other and in a sequential fashion so you can invest in yourself at a pace you are comfortable with.