hello beautiful!

Wondering about how exactly we can journey together and what the investment will be? You’re in the right place.

Emma Christina Style Consultancy rates and packages are crafted with your unique personality, style, colouring, and budget in mind.

Because in addition to being a qualified SA Image Academy Image Consultant, I am a Chartered Accountant (CA) with a passion for stewarding personal finance.

Please regard the quoted prices below as a guideline and do not hesitate to contact me so we can tailor a package suited to your individual needs and requirements.


colour, style and shape analysis

Investing in your personal style raises your confidence and highlights your captivating beauty. However, one of the reasons why personal style can be so overwhelming to deal with on your own is because personal style is not fixed; it evolves as you grow and change as an individual. Sometimes you might find yourself stuck in a rut or in need of inspiration – you may even go through periods when you don’t recognise your own beauty anymore. This is normal and happens to the best of us. But there are ways and methods to help you to embrace your body and style in every season and embrace the fact that you are God’s kind of beautiful through it all. One such tool is the colour, style, and shape analysis. Working with these tools will make it easier to present a consistent and authentic image of yourself through your outfits.

We will start this session with an honest conversation about identity and confidence – clothing is only one part of the puzzle and it is important to embrace who you are from the inside out.

Next, we will move on to a colour analysis. Having a personal colour palette that you like and that makes your natural appearance come alive is so important. After the session you will be provided with a digital colour chart to make for easier decisions when decluttering your wardrobe and to carry with you for your next shopping session.

Finally, we will perform a style and shape analysis to determine your style personality, body shape, face shape, body segments, bone structure and neck length. I will make recommendations based on the results to equip you to make more informed decisions regarding clothing, jewellery, hairstyles, eyewear, accessories, prints and patterns and fabric textures so you can not only rediscover your captivating beauty but also be a good steward of your clothing budget!

Your personal results, including a digital colour chart, will be available on the Appearance Specialist APP. You will further be provided with a notebook and pencil to take notes during the sessions.

Travel costs will be calculated and quoted separately from services.

ADD ON: Capsule Wardrobe

Should you wish, I will compile a basic capsule wardrobe after this session for you. You will receive a handy PDF document with links to the recommended items with some suggestions of where to find them locally in your budget.

ADD ON: Capsule Wardrobe

Should you wish, I will compile a basic capsule wardrobe after this session for you. You will receive a handy PDF document with links to the recommended items with some suggestions of where to find them locally in your budget.

group sessions

minimum of 4 ladies

A group session is perfect for an employee wellness day, girl’s night, bridal shower, or women’s event. It follows a workshop format and may be adjusted slightly to suit your theme or attendees. Included in the group session you have:

  • A conversation about identity and confidence
  • An individual style, shape and colour analysis
  • Style personality analysis
  • A basic makeup demonstration
  • Advice on hairstyles for your face shape
  • Shopping tips based on your budget and lifestyle
  • Guidelines on dressing based on your colouring, personality, style personality, body shape and bone structure

Your personal results, including a digital colour chart, will be available on the Appearance Specialist APP. You will further be provided with a notebook and pencil to take notes during the sessions.

Travel costs will be calculated and quoted separately from services.

winning wardrobe session

minimum booking of 3 hours

Clothing has an incredible influence on your mental health and self esteem and the items you choose can improve your mood, boost your confidence and help you dress for the season of your life you are currently in or desire to be in. By deliberately choosing cuts, colours, and patterns that reflect your Colour, Style and Shape Analysis, you will feel more in tune with your inner and outer beauty and radiate authentic confidence in who you are – not just what you look like.

During the Winning Wardrobe Session, we assess your current wardrobe. We will have a fresh look to determine what is working well, what is not working at all, and what needs to be added so we can optimise what you already own. Throughout the process we will be putting outfits together, and taking pictures of your favourite looks so that you can easily slip on an outfit that just works on those busy days when decision fatigue sets in. The Winning Wardrobe Session is perfect for you if you would like to add items to your current wardrobe rather than replace your current wardrobe with all new pieces.

Travel costs will be calculated and quoted separately from services.

After the session, you will be equipped with a streamlined wardrobe, outfit suggestions, and recommended shopping list.

*Every hour over & above the quoted three hours will be billed at an additional cost.

personal shopper

minimum three hours in-person shopping

or two hours online shopping

If you dislike shopping or take a long time to find things that suit your body type, colour palette, or style then a personal shopping service might be a good fit! After your colour, style, and shape analysis, followed by your wardrobe assessment, you are welcome to send or accompany me to the shops or request that I do an online shop on your behalf.

We will discuss your budget beforehand, and I will do the necessary research to maximise the shopping experience. A personal shopping service is ideal for stocking up on wardrobe essentials, special styling for special occasions or complete closet makeovers. But above all else, it will help you steer clear of those impulse buys that don’t go with anything else in your wardrobe as well as make sure your clothes truly suit and flatter you.

Travel costs will be calculated and quoted separately from services.

ADD ON: Outfit Coordination

Newly purchased items in hand, an Outfit Coordination Session will tie together your refreshed wardrobe with a beautiful ribbon. During this session, we will incorporate your newly bought items into your current wardrobe by styling fresh outfits and coordinating your accessories for a brand new you.


WhatsApp is convenient and quick, so why not book me to ‘accompany’ you on a shopping session without the added fuss. While you shop and try things on in person, I will have your colour, style, and shape analysis on hand to give recommendations virtually. This is great for special occasions or those seasonal wardrobe top-ups that don’t require a full-on shopping experience.

featured by emma christina

Emma Stone once said that there is no better representation of beauty than someone who is unafraid to be herself. And I wholeheartedly agree. In addition to offering style and image consulting services, I am a content creator with a love for all things French, minimalism and kondo-ism. When I am not styling my client or crunching numbers, I am out finding beauty in simplicity (with a cappuccino in hand) and sharing my own version of beauty and so that women know it is okay to be who they are and not who the world wants them to be. If this message resonates with your brand, I would love to learn more about your products or services and share them with my community.

At present, there are two ways for us to collaborate:

fee based partnership

  • Pain Au Chocolat Package (R1 300 per campaign):
    Includes 1 reel, 1 carousel of 4 photos & 4 stories.
  • Crème Brûlée Package (R1 800 per campaign):
    Includes 2 reels, 1 carousel of 4 photos & 8 stories.

commission based partnership

  • Petit Four Package (R750 per campaign): Includes 1 reel, 1 carousel of 3 photos & 4 stories, a discount code for my clients to track sales/leads + 20 % commission paid to me for new sales.

next steps

Love what you see? Let’s book a virtual coffee or rooibos tea or meet in person if you’re in the Johannesburg area. I offer a complimentary 30-minute consultation to discuss how I can help you and get to know you better.

can’t find what you’re looking for?

Looking for something else? Please send me a note so I may propose some ideas and services or refer you to a stylist who can assist with your unique needs.